Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Where I've Been
visited 12 states (24%)
Create your own visited map of The United States
Posted by
Andra Lauren
9:17 PM
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Win an Apron!

See? Beautiful! Just visit this link:
Posted by
Andra Lauren
2:15 PM
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Visit Ruche!
If you know me, you know that I LOVE clothes. One place that I love the clothes from is Ruche, so for sure you should check it out!
Posted by
Andra Lauren
1:05 PM
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Allow Me to Introduce Myself
Sometimes I can be anti-social. I can be shy and reserved and quiet. Sometimes I don't want to leave my room because I am afraid I will have no one to sit with or talk to, so I stay inside my safe room and sit on my safe bed and eat canned fruit. I love canned fruit. I don't know why. I didn't like canned fruit, but then I started working at a nursing home. I don't know if it is an universal thing, but I feel like canned fruit and nursing homes go together. Sometimes I don't talk in class, sometimes I open my mouth and really stupid things come out. Sometimes I spend more time on Facebook than I do studying, but after all, I am in college. I am obsessed with necklaces with keys or owls on them. I eat when I am bored. I run into walls and door frames and I trip over my own foot.
I come up short. I fail. I am human. I believe that I a dirty, rotten sinner. But I also believe that there is grace and God's grace covers me. It wraps me up and takes me to a place where my love for God overwhelms my love for sin.
I am Annie.
Posted by
Andra Lauren
4:38 PM
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Too Often
Too often we forget to enjoy the moments.
Too often we forget that there is church where there is a community of believers.
Too often we forget that each day is precious.
Too often we forget to see the beauty in old architecture.
Too often we forget to just breath in and breath out and that each breath means that we are living.
Too often we forget that because we are still living, God has a purpose for us.
Too often we forget that God's church doesn't have a mission, but that God's mission has a church.
Too often we forget that when God called us, we were immature baby Christians, that we were lowly, dirty, rotten sinners.
Too often we forget that God uses the ragamuffins.
Too often we forget that the kingdom of God belongs to the poor in spirit.
Too often we forget that community and fellowship go hand in hand.
Too often we forget that we are so totally blessed.
Too often we forget to love one another.
Too often we forget that whatever you give to one of the least of these, you have given to Jesus.
Too often we forget the importance of communion.
Too often we forget that Christ Jesus died for us while we were still sinners.
Too often we forget who we are living for.
Too often we get too busy making a living, that we forget to make a life.
Too often we forget to unwind and remember the good times.
Too often we forget that Jesus saves us.
Well, I want you to remember.
Posted by
Andra Lauren
10:57 PM