Saturday, February 21, 2009

Inspired but Too Tired

I was really pretty inspired to write a blog, but right now I am feeling just a little bit too tired. So, instead of writing anything deep and philosophical, I will just get you updated on how I am doing. My mother and I watched a pretty "wacky cracker" kind of movie last night. It was interesting to say the least. Maybe some people could draw some sort of lesson from it, but I am oneof those people. It was still fun. You know it's a fun movie when my mother says, "I'm not sure I should be letting you watch this." However, it wasn't a completely unsuccessful night. I baked a Cherry Chocolate Torte thing. The picture on the recipes looks a little better, but it was really yummy.

In other fascinating news, I learned a beauty trick. It's probably not a new one to most people, but I found it absolutely amazing. I was having trouble removing my mascara, so my mom told me to try Vaseline and that didn't really work, but then she told me to try baby oil. After trying the Vaseline, I wasn't really sure if I wanted to try something else just to end up being disappointed, but it was amazing. Turns out baby oil is one great make-up remover. Who knew?

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