Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lists and Joy

It's a weird feeling. You know, to discover that Relient K hit the nail on the head with the song "High of 75," because it really is funny to realize that you enjoy your life when you are happy to be alive. I am actually currently quite happy. It's not because of my grades, it's not because of the car I drive (because I am not happy about driving something so uncool), it's not because I have a boyfriend (because I am very, very single), it's not because I got elected to the youth board (even though I am very happy about that. I just love the thought that I get to keep making the newsletters and typing up the minutes and what not for the whole next year), and it's not even because I am pretty (ha, ha. or because I am conceited). I am just happy because God is great. I am living for His name. I am walking with Him. And I am so happy. I realize I probably won't stay happy, because something will come up, but I feel joy. Yeah, joy is probably a better word.

I have some things to get done before I have to go to school (thanks to block scheduling, I don't have to go until the 7th hour test starts, which is Economics at 10:30ish). So, I was randomly thinking about how much I really love lists. I love writing lists. I don't really like getting the work done that is on the list, but I enjoy crossing it off. I really love lists. I know, I know, I am a complete and total dork. I am alright with that. It's a shame I am not going to be a secretary someday, because I love office supply stores, too. And I like licking envelopes.

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